Jan Deelstra

Unleash your inner goddess power and transform your story into a masterpiece of confidence, self love, abundance and limitless possibilities—because YOU 're the author of your extraordinary life

Do You Have Shame Around the Issue of Money?

Money. It’s a topic that can spark a myriad of emotions — pride, anxiety, hope, insecurity, and for many women, even shame. Have you ever felt embarrassed about asking for a raise, stressed about paying bills, or guilty for spending money on yourself, insecure and guilty about not affording to pay your own way through life? If so, you’re not alone. Money shame runs deep, often stemming from ancestral lessons, societal pressures, and deeply internalized limiting beliefs.

But here’s the most important truth: Money is just energy. It’s a frequency that reflects your relationship with yourself. Notice immediately. how that truth lands in your body and mind: Do you shrug it away as being “mumbo-jumbo”? It’s not! And the good news? You can heal your money story.

The Roots of Money Shame

From an early age, many of us absorb unspoken (or explicitly stated) lessons about money:

  • “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
  • “It’s hard to make ends meet.”
  • “Rich people are greedy.”
  • “Clean your plate.”
  • “You’ve got to work hard for the money.”

These phrases may seem harmless, but over time, they embed themselves in our psyche, creating limiting beliefs that whisper: You don’t deserve abundance. But you do. And it’s time you unlearned anything else that keeps you in the vibration of money shame.

For women especially, the shame around money can be amplified by cultural norms. Historically, women were often excluded from financial decision-making, creating a cycle of dependency that’s hard to break. If your ancestors struggled to survive or had to sacrifice their dreams due to financial limitations, that energetic imprint may still be influencing you today.

In my own life, I came from a long line of pioneer stock women who “walked across the prairie pulling handcarts” to make a better life elsewhere. Stories of hardship and struggle were the thickest thread in the weave of my ancestral tapestry. And those stories of how difficult life is, had to be released, lest my life continuously be “difficult.” It takes continuous mindfulness–awareness as perhaps the greatest, most valuable tool in my self-love toolbox–to be aware of any thoughts that are best observed, forgiven, healed, and ultimately released.

How Money Reflects Self-Love

What I hope to convey to you, is that your relationship with money is a mirror of your relationship with yourself. How you treat money often reflects how you value yourself. Thus, money is self-love. You deserve both money and love….

Think about it:

  • Do you give away your time and energy without asking for fair compensation?
  • Do you avoid looking at your bank account, as though ignoring it will make the problem disappear?
  • Do you feel guilty when you indulge in something that brings you joy?

These guilt and avoidance behaviors are often rooted in a lack of self-worth. Healing your money story isn’t just about balancing a budget or earning more — it’s about recognizing that you are worthy of abundance. When you start to love and value yourself, your financial reality begins to shift.

Money as a Frequency

Let’s demystify money for a moment. At its core, money is a form of energy exchange. Just as you tune a radio to pick up a specific frequency, you can align your own energy with the frequency of abundance. This means releasing the shame, guilt, and fear that keep you stuck in scarcity and stepping into a vibration of confidence, gratitude, and openness to receive. You deserve money and love (Have I mentioned that before?).

Healing your money story starts with identifying the beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you. It means rewriting those narratives and embracing the idea that having money is not only okay but a form of self-care and self-love. And not to be offensive, but I’ll state the obvious again: You deserve money and love. Healing money shame is a powerful act of self-care.

Your Path to Financial Empowerment

Imagine a life where money flows to you with ease. Where you no longer feel guilty for investing in yourself. Where abundance isn’t just a dream but a reality. This isn’t wishful thinking — it’s possible. And it starts with you.

In my book, INFINITE PIE: From Finance to Romance, the Parallel Feminine Frequency of Money & Love, I dive deep into the connection between your self-worth, your love life, and your financial well-being. Through practical exercises, empowering stories, and insights that challenge the status quo, you’ll learn how to:

  • Uncover and release limiting beliefs about money.
  • Understand the energetic frequency of abundance.
  • Align your financial habits with self-love and empowerment.
  • Re-write your money story on your terms.
  • Create a life that reflects the love and abundance you deserve.

Take the First Step

Healing your relationship with money is one of the most powerful acts of self-love you can undertake. It’s not just about dollars and cents; it’s about valuing yourself enough to claim the abundant life you deserve. When you really get your mind and heart around that idea that money is self-love, forgive the woman of the past, and step into the new you –a woman who is worthy and deserving, and is now practicing receiving. Because you are worthy. You are deserving of the life you desire….

So, let me ask you again: Do you have shame around the issue of money? If the answer is yes, know that you have the power to transform that shame into confidence, freedom, and joy.

Your journey to financial empowerment and self-love starts here. It’s time to release that shame and own your power! Grab your copy of INFINITE PIE today and step into the abundant, love-filled life you were always meant to live.

Get it on Amazon thru this link below↓
INFINITE PIE: From Finance to Romance, the Parallel Feminine Frequency of Money & Love
(Clicking on the link takes you to Amazon)

INFINITE PIE: From Finance to Romance, the Parallel Feminine Frequency of Money & Love

When you begin to read the stories of how money is an energy which you can either enhance or squelch, when you understand the parallels between the frequency of money and love–including self-love, you may see your own story amidst the words of others. If you’re not experiencing financial freedom and rich relationships with others and with your Self, this is the book for you. INFINITE PIE: From Finance to Romance, is the self-love tool that you may have not even known you needed, until now. Grab it today. Celebrate your new story from finance to romance….

(↑Clicking the link takes you to Amazon↑)
Jan Deelstra

Let me know how your new story unfold! And for more self-love tools, visit the TOOLBOX.

Some recent blog posts:

Let’s be social. Follow me on Instagram:

Jan Deelstra


Empowering women to own their confidence, self-worth & abundance. Int'l Best-Selling Author/CEO of Winged-Women™ Academy. Click links for confidence!
  • Did you catch the blog post, The Feminine Frequency of Abundance? It's the post that you DO want to check out: 


Just copy and paste the link, or go to JanDeelstra.com/BLOG for more! Of course, the website is on my bio link.

#infinitepie #womenandmoney #femininefrequencyofmoney #abundance #JanDeelstra
  • Do YOU have shame around issues of money? If so, go over to my website and read the post from a few days ago. If failed to load, so I'm posting this IG post to encourage anyone who may have missed it,to check it out. Copy and paste the link or simply type into your browser: 


Historically, women especially, have experienced a unique set of money challenges. Does this resonate? Check out the post, and while you're there, SUBSCRIBE.

#womensempowerment #confidence #womenandmoney #money #moneyshame #feminineenergy #jandeelstra #healingmoneywounds #moneyisselflove #moneeyisfreedom
  • Breaking the Myth of Selfishness: How to Prioitize Your SELF without Guilt is fresh off the BLOG press at:

(Copy and paste it to learn more)

If you feel guilt, if you put yourself last, if you have bought into the idea that doing what's in YOUR best interest is "selfish" it's time for you to re-define selfish into self-care. 

Go now, and while you're there, subscribe to the BLOG. 

#redefiningselfish #prioritizeyourhealth #prioritizeyourhealth #prioritizeyou 
#jandeelstra.com/BLOG #breakingthemythofselfishness #hotoprioritizeyourselfwithoutguilt #guilt
  • There’s no such thing as a small step. Every step you take moves you forward and puts your goals within reach. #goals #womensupportingwomen #womensempowerment #liveauthentic #reachyourgoals
  • “The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” -Socrates
I posted this today because it seems natural, at the first of every year, to look at ways to change whatever isn't working the way we think it should be working. Too often, things are not progressing the way we intend them to progress, because we are too busy focusing on all that is "wrong" instead of focusing on what IS working. 

If we can re-train our brains (and specifically, the reticular activator) to focus on what we DO want and NOT on what we DON'T want, our brain (subconscious or superconscious) gets on board to help us achieve what it is that we DO want. 

The truth is, it's simple. But the habit of being miserable, of experiencing lack, or of commiserating about what's missing, or simply the habit of being content in the level of familiar lack, gets in the way, and further affirms the frequency of lack. And then we can complain some more, and the cycle continues.... 

I challenge you to a 30 day commitment to consciously express gratitude daily at the moment you wake and again just before falling asleep. Allow the old neural pathways that have strengthened by incessant drumming of the beat "Not enough. Not enough. Not enough" to die out, and start building super highways that allow for more than enough. 

Check in with me (and with yourself) around mid February and let me know what's changed. When you place your focused energy "on building the new" as Socrates suggests, you'll no doubt experience superior progress towards whateve it is that you are now consciously manifesting.

Come and play in the playground. https://JanDeelstra.com

#quotes #socrates #womensempowerment #growthmindset #selflove #energy #focus #changeyourlife #changequotes #newyear #manifestation #manifestyourdreams #relationshipwithself #manifesting #manifestingdreams
  • Your self-worth is your superpower! 

Need help with that? Don't waste another day of feeling unworthy and undeserving. Start immediately. Copy and paste the url into your browser and start to heal your life:


SUBSCRIBE for juicy, confidence bolstering, self-love enhancement.

#selflove #selfmade #selfworth #confidence #selfesteem
  • (Keep Reading for FREE OFFER!)

🌟 What We Focus On Expands 🌟

Ever noticed how the more you focus on the good, the more good you seem to find? That’s not just a coincidence—it’s the magic of gratitude in action. And as we approach a new year, there’s no better time to refocus your energy on what truly matters: the blessings in your life.

That’s why I’m thrilled to offer you My Gratitude Planner—a completely FREE tool to help you nurture a daily gratitude practice that changes everything.

What’s inside?
✔️ 365 days of guided prompts and open space to reflect on what you’re most thankful for.
✔️ Gentle reminders to shift your mindset, even on those tough days when gratitude feels out of reach.
✔️ A practice that helps you notice and expand the abundance already surrounding you.

Why gratitude?
Because it’s not always easy to feel thankful—especially when life gets messy. But it’s in those exact moments when gratitude becomes the lifeline that pulls us back to center. By writing down what we’re grateful for, we create a ripple effect, calling even more positivity, love, and abundance into our lives.

Imagine stepping into the new year with a heart full of gratitude and a clear focus on all the beauty life offers. Imagine feeling grounded, abundant, and aware of the everyday miracles around you. That’s what this planner is here to help you do.

How to get yours?
It’s my gift to you! Just click the link in my bio (UNDER FREE STUFF) to download your FREE 365-Day Gratitude Planner today. 🎁

💬 Your turn!
Comment below: What’s one thing you’re grateful for right now? Let’s start this gratitude practice together.

Here’s to a year of blessings, joy, and focusing on what truly matters.

#GratitudePlanner #FreeDownload #MindsetShift #DailyGratitude #ManifestAbundance #GratefulHeart #GratitudePractice #WingedWomen #SelfLoveJourney #free #EmpowermentTools #ConfidenceBuilding #PersonalGrowthJourney #WomenSupportingWomen
  • I made "Your Financial Affirmations" audio MP3 and included the transcript that you can use to record the affirmations in your own voice. 

And then, apparently, life happened and I failed to add the post to Instagram. Anyhoo, if you're interested you can check it out by clicking the link in my Linktr.ee in bio, or on my website (also linked in bio). You may want it to start your new year out right, with positive affirmations.

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the BLOG when you visit https://jandeelstra.com and get valuable content delivered right into your inbox!

#manifestation #manifestyourdesires
#affirmations #audio #jandeelstra #womensempowerment #positiveaffirmations #newyear
  • Rest in peace Pat Deelstra. It’s impossible to fathom that you are really gone. November 25, 1940-December 26, 2024.
Did you catch the blog post, The Feminine Frequency of Abundance? It's the post that you DO want to check out: 


Just copy and paste the link, or go to JanDeelstra.com/BLOG for more! Of course, the website is on my bio link.

#infinitepie #womenandmoney #femininefrequencyofmoney #abundance #JanDeelstra
Did you catch the blog post, The Feminine Frequency of Abundance? It's the post that you DO want to check out: https://jandeelstra.com/the-feminine-frequency-of-abundance/ Just copy and paste the link, or go to JanDeelstra.com/BLOG for more! Of course, the website is on my bio link. #infinitepie #womenandmoney #femininefrequencyofmoney #abundance #JanDeelstra
3 days ago
View on Instagram |
Do YOU have shame around issues of money? If so, go over to my website and read the post from a few days ago. If failed to load, so I'm posting this IG post to encourage anyone who may have missed it,to check it out. Copy and paste the link or simply type into your browser: 


Historically, women especially, have experienced a unique set of money challenges. Does this resonate? Check out the post, and while you're there, SUBSCRIBE.

#womensempowerment #confidence #womenandmoney #money #moneyshame #feminineenergy #jandeelstra #healingmoneywounds #moneyisselflove #moneeyisfreedom
Do YOU have shame around issues of money? If so, go over to my website and read the post from a few days ago. If failed to load, so I'm posting this IG post to encourage anyone who may have missed it,to check it out. Copy and paste the link or simply type into your browser: https://jandeelstra.com/healing-money-shame/ Historically, women especially, have experienced a unique set of money challenges. Does this resonate? Check out the post, and while you're there, SUBSCRIBE. #womensempowerment #confidence #womenandmoney #money #moneyshame #feminineenergy #jandeelstra #healingmoneywounds #moneyisselflove #moneeyisfreedom
1 week ago
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Breaking the Myth of Selfishness: How to Prioitize Your SELF without Guilt is fresh off the BLOG press at:

(Copy and paste it to learn more)

If you feel guilt, if you put yourself last, if you have bought into the idea that doing what's in YOUR best interest is "selfish" it's time for you to re-define selfish into self-care. 

Go now, and while you're there, subscribe to the BLOG. 

#redefiningselfish #prioritizeyourhealth #prioritizeyourhealth #prioritizeyou 
#jandeelstra.com/BLOG #breakingthemythofselfishness #hotoprioritizeyourselfwithoutguilt #guilt
Breaking the Myth of Selfishness: How to Prioitize Your SELF without Guilt is fresh off the BLOG press at: https://jandeelstra.com/breaking-the-myth-of-selfishness/ (Copy and paste it to learn more) If you feel guilt, if you put yourself last, if you have bought into the idea that doing what's in YOUR best interest is "selfish" it's time for you to re-define selfish into self-care. Go now, and while you're there, subscribe to the BLOG. #redefiningselfish #prioritizeyourhealth #prioritizeyourhealth #prioritizeyou #jandeelstra.com/BLOG #breakingthemythofselfishness #hotoprioritizeyourselfwithoutguilt #guilt
2 weeks ago
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There’s no such thing as a small step. Every step you take moves you forward and puts your goals within reach. #goals #womensupportingwomen #womensempowerment #liveauthentic #reachyourgoals
There’s no such thing as a small step. Every step you take moves you forward and puts your goals within reach. #goals #womensupportingwomen #womensempowerment #liveauthentic #reachyourgoals
1 month ago
View on Instagram |
“The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” -Socrates I posted this today because it seems natural, at the first of every year, to look at ways to change whatever isn't working the way we think it should be working. Too often, things are not progressing the way we intend them to progress, because we are too busy focusing on all that is "wrong" instead of focusing on what IS working. If we can re-train our brains (and specifically, the reticular activator) to focus on what we DO want and NOT on what we DON'T want, our brain (subconscious or superconscious) gets on board to help us achieve what it is that we DO want. The truth is, it's simple. But the habit of being miserable, of experiencing lack, or of commiserating about what's missing, or simply the habit of being content in the level of familiar lack, gets in the way, and further affirms the frequency of lack. And then we can complain some more, and the cycle continues…. I challenge you to a 30 day commitment to consciously express gratitude daily at the moment you wake and again just before falling asleep. Allow the old neural pathways that have strengthened by incessant drumming of the beat "Not enough. Not enough. Not enough" to die out, and start building super highways that allow for more than enough. Check in with me (and with yourself) around mid February and let me know what's changed. When you place your focused energy "on building the new" as Socrates suggests, you'll no doubt experience superior progress towards whateve it is that you are now consciously manifesting. Come and play in the playground. https://JanDeelstra.com #focusonyourgoals #quotes #socrates #womensempowerment #growthmindset #selflove #energy #focus #changeyourlife #changequotes #newyear #manifestation #manifestyourdreams #relationshipwithself #manifesting #manifestingdreams
1 month ago
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Your self-worth is your superpower! Need help with that? Don't waste another day of feeling unworthy and undeserving. Start immediately. Copy and paste the url into your browser and start to heal your life: https://JanDeelstra.com/BLOG SUBSCRIBE for juicy, confidence bolstering, self-love enhancement. #selflove #selfmade #selfworth #confidence #selfesteem #jandeelstra
1 month ago
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(Keep Reading for FREE OFFER!)

🌟 What We Focus On Expands 🌟

Ever noticed how the more you focus on the good, the more good you seem to find? That’s not just a coincidence—it’s the magic of gratitude in action. And as we approach a new year, there’s no better time to refocus your energy on what truly matters: the blessings in your life.

That’s why I’m thrilled to offer you My Gratitude Planner—a completely FREE tool to help you nurture a daily gratitude practice that changes everything.

What’s inside?
✔️ 365 days of guided prompts and open space to reflect on what you’re most thankful for.
✔️ Gentle reminders to shift your mindset, even on those tough days when gratitude feels out of reach.
✔️ A practice that helps you notice and expand the abundance already surrounding you.

Why gratitude?
Because it’s not always easy to feel thankful—especially when life gets messy. But it’s in those exact moments when gratitude becomes the lifeline that pulls us back to center. By writing down what we’re grateful for, we create a ripple effect, calling even more positivity, love, and abundance into our lives.

Imagine stepping into the new year with a heart full of gratitude and a clear focus on all the beauty life offers. Imagine feeling grounded, abundant, and aware of the everyday miracles around you. That’s what this planner is here to help you do.

How to get yours?
It’s my gift to you! Just click the link in my bio (UNDER FREE STUFF) to download your FREE 365-Day Gratitude Planner today. 🎁

💬 Your turn!
Comment below: What’s one thing you’re grateful for right now? Let’s start this gratitude practice together.

Here’s to a year of blessings, joy, and focusing on what truly matters.

#GratitudePlanner #FreeDownload #MindsetShift #DailyGratitude #ManifestAbundance #GratefulHeart #GratitudePractice #WingedWomen #SelfLoveJourney #free #EmpowermentTools #ConfidenceBuilding #PersonalGrowthJourney #WomenSupportingWomen
(Keep Reading for FREE OFFER!) 🌟 What We Focus On Expands 🌟 Ever noticed how the more you focus on the good, the more good you seem to find? That’s not just a coincidence—it’s the magic of gratitude in action. And as we approach a new year, there’s no better time to refocus your energy on what truly matters: the blessings in your life. That’s why I’m thrilled to offer you My Gratitude Planner—a completely FREE tool to help you nurture a daily gratitude practice that changes everything. What’s inside? ✔️ 365 days of guided prompts and open space to reflect on what you’re most thankful for. ✔️ Gentle reminders to shift your mindset, even on those tough days when gratitude feels out of reach. ✔️ A practice that helps you notice and expand the abundance already surrounding you. Why gratitude? Because it’s not always easy to feel thankful—especially when life gets messy. But it’s in those exact moments when gratitude becomes the lifeline that pulls us back to center. By writing down what we’re grateful for, we create a ripple effect, calling even more positivity, love, and abundance into our lives. Imagine stepping into the new year with a heart full of gratitude and a clear focus on all the beauty life offers. Imagine feeling grounded, abundant, and aware of the everyday miracles around you. That’s what this planner is here to help you do. How to get yours? It’s my gift to you! Just click the link in my bio (UNDER FREE STUFF) to download your FREE 365-Day Gratitude Planner today. 🎁 💬 Your turn! Comment below: What’s one thing you’re grateful for right now? Let’s start this gratitude practice together. Here’s to a year of blessings, joy, and focusing on what truly matters. #GratitudePlanner #FreeDownload #MindsetShift #DailyGratitude #ManifestAbundance #GratefulHeart #GratitudePractice #WingedWomen #SelfLoveJourney #free #EmpowermentTools #ConfidenceBuilding #PersonalGrowthJourney #WomenSupportingWomen
1 month ago
View on Instagram |
I made "Your Financial Affirmations" audio MP3 and included the transcript that you can use to record the affirmations in your own voice. 

And then, apparently, life happened and I failed to add the post to Instagram. Anyhoo, if you're interested you can check it out by clicking the link in my Linktr.ee in bio, or on my website (also linked in bio). You may want it to start your new year out right, with positive affirmations.

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the BLOG when you visit https://jandeelstra.com and get valuable content delivered right into your inbox!

#manifestation #manifestyourdesires
#affirmations #audio #jandeelstra #womensempowerment #positiveaffirmations #newyear
I made "Your Financial Affirmations" audio MP3 and included the transcript that you can use to record the affirmations in your own voice. And then, apparently, life happened and I failed to add the post to Instagram. Anyhoo, if you're interested you can check it out by clicking the link in my Linktr.ee in bio, or on my website (also linked in bio). You may want it to start your new year out right, with positive affirmations. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the BLOG when you visit https://jandeelstra.com and get valuable content delivered right into your inbox! #manifestation #manifestyourdesires #affirmations #audio #jandeelstra #womensempowerment #positiveaffirmations #newyear
1 month ago
View on Instagram |
Rest in peace Pat Deelstra. It’s impossible to fathom that you are really gone. November 25, 1940-December 26, 2024.
Rest in peace Pat Deelstra. It’s impossible to fathom that you are really gone. November 25, 1940-December 26, 2024.
1 month ago
View on Instagram |

Discover more from Jan Deelstra, Int'l Best-Selling Author

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