The Mosaic of YOU:
How Your Identity Rules Your Life (and how to use that truth to your advantage…)
Since the womb, you’ve absorbed messages defining who you are. Messages come from your family, culture, society, peers, institutions, and events. You didn’t even recognize that you are a separate being –separate from your mother, until around age 6-7 months. At that stage, anxiety arrives as a learning tool to keep the child close to the care-giver; it’s a matter of life and death. As the child begins to learn autonomy and begins to explore their surroundings by way of curiosity, the subconsious is determining the safety set-point. Programming is in full swing, and is now being reinforced from multiple sources.
Fast forward to school. You attend a school where there is so much stimulation to sort thru! Your mosaic self is taking form. By now, your subconscious mind is still open, albeit much less so than when you were an infant. That’s because the most significant period of subconscious development and absorption of information generally occurs during early childhood, particularly between birth and around age 7. To be clear, it’s not impossible at any age for the subconscious to process information. But your survival skills are well rooted, subconsciously speaking, before you’ve learned to consciously choose what it is that YOU would wish to create for yourself. Your mosaic self is a collection of pieces coming primarily from sources outside of yourself, and this mosaic becomes your identity….
Time passes. Your life is created. Your internal thermostat for love, money, health, joy, etc., is set. This may feel fatalistic or detrimental if you haven’t yet reached a level of achievement, haven’t yet found that special relationship, haven’t yet attained the wealth, the level of wellness, the career, the life you dream of.
Your subconscious has the primary role of keeping you safe. Whatever it is that you’ve survived, the self-conscious mind wants more of “it” because it’s survivable. Regardless whether the event brought pain or joy is absolutely irrelevant because “it” didn’t killl you. Whatever you “survive” is then anchored into your self-conscious mind as being a patterned state to recreate. You may consciously think it’s not a good state of being, but your subconscious keeps you in the (assumedly safe) state in which you’ve always been. The brain will continously find those situation in life to keep this stream of subconsciousness alive, regardless if that stream is what you want or not. And anything that goes against the subconscious set point causes resistance. Whatever you try to do to manifest a different outcome will fail. The assumption of the self-conscious is that since you’ve survived it, and you didn’t die, the event you survived becomes a strategy to keep you from dying. Whatever you survived then, the sub-conscious will give you more of….
Don’t let that truth have you throwing up your hands in dispair. You can learn to create the life you want, by consciously shifting that inner set-point. The adjustments you make will absolutely cause a set point change. And, it won’t likely happen over night. It will, however, happen in time provided you commit to the process. Start by memorizing this until it becomes ingrained in your subconscious: To make the change you wish to manifest, to see it to fruition, you must first be it. This is the logic that creates great athletes, leaders, and those who concsiously create life by design. That identity mosaic which is you, must be rebuilt. You must let go of your existing identity to create a new identity designed by you, but now, with the full support of your subconscious. And if it helps you to not quit before you’ve even started, consider that 8 out of 10 millionaires are self-made, even as 70% of all lottery winners are broke soon after winning the pot. Which will you choose to be?
Know this: Your resistance is fierce. If you tried to change everything overnight, your subconscious would immediately sabbotage your attempt. That’s the reason so many people who are blessed with a huge financial windfall almost immediately find themselves worse off only a few short years after the win. The subconscious stops the identity of “winner” to protect the un-ready recipient. Small wins, however, any changes that don’t cause resistence, nudge your set point up permanently. And even a 1% upleveling is profound. Now imagine what happens when you continue to raise that set point on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis….
Baby Steps?

As this meme says, “There’s no such thing as a small step…every step you take moves you forward and puts your goals within reach.” Every single thing you do to re-design your life by way of making permanent change from the inside out, has a place in your new mosaic. As you re-code your self identity, as you release the old worn out blocks that keep you stuck, as you create new habits and beliefs that become new patterns, the subconscious trusts and accepts, your life changes. At some point, the changes will come rapidly. WATCH for changes and affirm them! Stay out of “problem solve mode” and in the feeling and vision of future you. Notice what inner conflict, what resistance pops up in your mind? If you feel resistance, ask yourself, what do you get for holding onto that thought and behavior? Trust me when I say that you ARE getting something for holding on, or you would let it go. What stops you?
For some tools to help guide you along the path of release, and re-coding, visit the TOOLBOX. Alternatively, get the Escaping the Chrysalis Companion Workbook from Amazon, and you’ll have a full self-love toolbox of tools, techniques, and miraculous wares at your fingertips. That’s a full-color volume of proprietary self-love tools that you won’t get anywhere else, unless you attend one of my rare events. And finally, be sure to follow this BLOG for more life up-leveling content.

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