Jan Deelstra

Unleash your inner goddess power and transform your story into a masterpiece of confidence, self love, abundance and limitless possibilities—because YOU 're the author of your extraordinary life

The Universe is a “People Pleaser”

Yep, the Universe is a “People Pleaser” that always says “YES!” so tap into yes and change your life!

You’ve undoubtedly known someone like this: that person who says “yes” to any request, not always with the best outcome. But here’s something to consider: If you are struggling in any area of your life, it’s not the fault of the Universe. It’s not your “karma” or your zodiac sign. It’s not your culture, society, or your family of origin that’s to blame.

Nope, it’s none of those things. And looking outside of yourself for someone or something to blame won’t change a thing. Plus, it wastes your energy –energy that would be best used elsewhere.

Knowing that the Universe is a “People Pleaser” with “Yes” being it’s predictable response can be a life-changing discovery! In fact, the Universe ONLY works in the stream of “yes”. Once you fully understand how it works, it’s like unearthing a life-altering secret key to a doorway you didn’t even realize existed. It wasn’t taught in school. Your parents probably missed it too. But now that you’ve discovered it, you can master it as an invaluable tool to improve your life in every area.

Give yourself some time and space to sit with this “YES” concept. Pull out your journal and allow all the ways this key can uplevel your life to pour out onto the pages:

What if, you learned to manifest your dreams by focusing energy on all the YES, thank you’s? What if you strengthened your connection with the Universe by expressing gratitude? What if anytime you wished to manifest something, you posed the question to receive a “YES”? What will change when you get all those yeses to your requests?

As you sit in gratitude with your journal and your thoughts, allow yourself to step into the life you create with the power of “YES!” Who are you now, in this realm of creation? What had to change in order for you to become this version of you? What are your surroundings? How are you feeling in your surroundings? Are you happier now, in this version of you? How does it feel to commit to being here, knowing that you got here simply by tapping into the “yes” stream of the Universe? Allow yourself to bask in this feeling of gratitude for all the yeses that you’re blessed with simply because you asked.

Journal about your experience. Hold the feeling for as long as possible, and return to it as often as possible. This new frequency is the frequency where you meet you, upleveled.

The Universe offers a constant flow of abundance, wealth, love, health, and joy. The streams flow whether or not you tap into the flow. They always exist. Why not consciously strengthen your connection to the Universe and create the life you desire and deserve. Tap into “YES” and watch your shift as the Universe says “yes” to anything you request.

Give it some time. Practice being aligned with the stream of whatever it is you are now consciously manifesting. Notice when your headspeak is negative. Negative thoughts are resistance that comes from your subconscious mind, and we’ll be clarifying more about that in a later post. Together, we’ll work on getting that subconscious onboard. For now, whenever a negative thought (aka resistance) rears its ugly head, quickly remind yourself that your thoughts have creative power. Make deliberate conscious choices about how your thoughts will be used in creating your new life. You’ve got this!

If you need a place to journal your experience, you’re welcome to download the Gratitude Planner. It’s free just for the asking. (See, the Universe said yes!)
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