Jan Deelstra

Unleash your inner goddess power and transform your story into a masterpiece of confidence, self love, abundance and limitless possibilities—because YOU 're the author of your extraordinary life

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The truth is, EVERYTHING on this website is suitable for adding to your self-love toolbox! In fact, you may want to create a desktop “toolbox” file for containing all the ways you’re going to discover to not only build your self-worth and confidence to new levels, but also to hold all the valuable techniques you’re going to learn to help you release self-doubt and any inner blocks to success. Providing you with the tools to help you live your best life is the reason we exist. That’s not going to change, and some of the offered tools and techniques have been in our confidence enhancing arsenal for decades. Still others are brand new shiny tools, and others are re-vamped tried-and-true keepers.

Whether you’re new to the concept of enhancing your life by way of bolstering your confidence and increasing your self-worth, or if you’re a life long student of what makes women experience true empowerment and create the life they desire (and deserve) we have you covered.

Check back often, and subscribe to the newsletter; you’re not going to want to miss a thing! By subscribing, you’ll be alerted when new things are added. It’s free to subscribe, and we will NEVER sell or trade your personal information.

Alignment Technique for Manifesting Your Desires

Do you struggle to attain the life you desire –A life abundant with love, money, health, quality friends, the lifestyle you know deep within, you are worthy of? Whether it’s manifesting money, love, dream car, or a home that feels like heaven, there’s a proven way to align your energy and bring your desires to fruition…

Confidence Becomes You

Confidence Becomes You

Confidence Becomes You is your game-changer. This empowering digital bundle—a 13-minute guided audio experience and eBook—helps you uncover the hidden beliefs keeping you stuck, redefine your self-worth, and step into unshakable confidence.
Gain instant access to a proven process that has helped countless women transform self-doubt and embrace their most powerful, self-assured selves. The shift starts now—are you ready?

Emotional Transformative Release Technique

Are you carrying the weight of past traumas, stuck emotions, or negative energy that holds you back from living your most vibrant life?

It’s time to let it go….

Exercise for Letting Go

What if you could learn to quickly process any emotions that, left unchecked, threaten your well-being? How would your life transform if you could release any internalized emotional blockage? The Exercise for Letting Go can show you how to easily release any emotion quickly.

Your Financial Affirmations Audio & PDF Script Set

Harness the power of affirmations to align your mindset with financial success. With the life changing Your Financial Affirmations Audio & PDF Script Set, you have two powerful options…

Winged-Women™ Wealthy Warrioress MP3

Wealthy Warrioress Set

Wealth isn’t just about numbers—it’s also about confidence, energy, and alignment. The Winged-Women™ Wealthy Warrioress eBook and audio MP3 will help you tap into your innate power, release scarcity mindsets, and step into abundance with clarity and confidence. Your abundance is waiting—claim it now!

7 Ways to Move from Emptiness to Fulfillment

7 Ways to Move from Emptiness to Fulfillment is the tool to pull out when you experience an inner emptiness that, like an unwelcome houseguest, stays too long. This workbook will guide you to move from that emptiness to fulfillment. Transform your life into the life you desire (and deserve).

365 Day My Gratitude Planner

365 Day My Gratitude Planner FREE

We’ve learned that what we focus on expands, so it follows that we can attract more for which to be thankful, if we develop a practice of being grateful daily. This 365 Day My Gratitude Planner offers the space and prompts to pull your focus into the present moment, to look at all you have to be thankful for, and to open to receiving more into your life. And It’s FREE from me to you.

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