Jan Deelstra

Unleash your inner goddess power and transform your story into a masterpiece of confidence, self love, abundance and limitless possibilities—because YOU 're the author of your extraordinary life


Lasting. Beautifully Life-Changing. Transformation.

(If real transformation is what you seek, you’re in the right place)

About Jan

Hello, and welcome to my “about” page. In the event you don’t know me, I’ll start by introducing myself as Jan Deelstra, and let you know how I can possibly be of service to you, personally.

I help high-achieving women break free from the invisible barriers holding them back so they can finally feel as confident on the inside as they appear on the outside—unshakable, self-assured, and unapologetically enough. This isn’t wishful thinking. It’s a proven process. And it works. It’s worked for thousands of high-achieving women, and it can work for you.

Candidly, I’ll tell you that I rose from a life of insecurity, poverty, and victimization to become the confident, empowered founder of Winged-Women™ Academy. Now, as an international best-selling transformational author and advocate for women, I guide others to own their confidence, embrace their worth, and transform their lives with self-worth, freedom, purpose, and possibility.

In short, I’ve made a beautiful life by sharing my soul-based, spirit enhancing transformational tools with women who are eager to identify and release unhealthy, limiting beliefs, and to confidently and consciously create the life desired and deserved.
(Is this you? If so, you’re in the right place.)

Unapologetically, I will state that I have a passion for helping women rediscover their self-worth and embrace their authentic power. ALL of my creative content–books, eBooks, workbooks, podcasts, courses, blog posts, and offers are designed to empower women like you, with an arsenal of empowering tools that inspire transformation.

My personal journey has been one of turning struggles into strengths. It’s sometimes been a life experience of intense and difficult lessons, yet every single experience, regardless of how hard it may have been, came with its own reward. There is, I’ve discovered, a gift in even the worst events of our lives. It takes some reflection and insight, but I promise you, there is a blessing in the mire of every challenge. And each of these gifts are important pieces to your ultimate transformation. As an example, I will share that my first book, Blessings in the Mire: A True Story of Miracles & Recollections, came from the grief of losing my son to suicide. It took years to unearth the “gift” in the death of my child. I know it would sound laughable, if it weren’t so absurd. Eventually however, I was able to find the love that out weighs the indescribable pain, and come from the strength of my scars rather than from the gaping wound itself. There is tremendous power in that discovery.

My transformation has been one not unlike that of the butterfly–thus, the founding of the Winged-Women™ movement. The butterfly must struggle to break free of the very cocoon that fed and housed it, before it can spread its glorious wings. And that’s the way I feel about my personal metamorphosis, and about each and every one of the women I have been blessed to assist along the way. There is nothing more beautiful, in my estimation, than when a woman discovers her true self–discovers her confidence, learns to love and believe in herself, and embraces the rare glorious power that lies in her unique authenticity.

The tools that I discovered through my own transformation, I now share with any woman who wants to embrace her full-winged life–to live in beautiful, creative abundance, with just a few new awarenesses and gentle guidance. The life-changing self-worth enhancing processes that I have incorporated into my self-love toolbox are designed to build confidence, to enhance levels of self-love, and in short, to encourage expansive living, even if you’re an introvert (like I am!).

I believe that every woman has the ability to rewrite her own narrative and to soar in ways yet undreamed of. I believe this, because it happened for me. And it can happen for you too.

Whether you’re looking to manifest extreme confidence, financial independence, or fulfilling relationships, my mission–indeed, my life’s purpose and calling is to guide you toward the life you desire and deserve—one filled with courage, love, abundance, and limitless possibilities.

My intent for you, when you join the tribe of winged-women, is that you live a delicious life–one that feeds your soul and your bank account. It is that you follow a soul-feeding pathway of self-love and confidence, and that you then ripple that powerful frequency of self-love and unapologetic confidence outward, blessing all others who are blessed to cross your path.

Are you ready to consciously create the life you desire and deserve? Let’s create your next chapter together! Start by subscribing to the blog so you can start to receive empowering content. And visit the TOOLBOX to see what resonates. You deserve the life you desire. Start today. See you in the BLOG!

Jan Deelstra

Let’s be social! Follow me on Instagram↓

Jan Deelstra


Empowering women to own their confidence, self-worth & abundance. Int'l Best-Selling Author/CEO of Winged-Women™ Academy. Click links for confidence!
  • Women's History Month is coming to an end; if you're not a SUBSCRIBER to the BLOG, you're missing a LOT of value. If you subscribe today, you won't miss the final few posts, each of which spotlight an inspirational woman.
PLUS, you'll still be able to catch those spotlighted—the women on whose shoulders we stand.

Copy. Paste.:


Music by Ievgen Poltavskyi from Pixabay

#womenshistorymonth #womensupportingwomen #marchiswomenshistorymonth #womensrights #jandeelstra
#jandeelstrawomensconfidencecoach #wingedwomen #wingedwomenacademy
  • Are you a woman who appears successful on the outside, but on the inside you feel like something is missing?
Get 7 Ways to Move from Emptiness to Fulfillment (FREE EBOOK)
Copy and paste the link below and go get your copy now before I take it down!


#womensconfidencecoach #jandeelstra
  • Most people spend more time planning a vacation than they invest in actually planning the life they want to live.

DECIDE to create the life you desire and deserve. 

The word "decide" means to cut away. Cut away the anchors that stop you from living the life you truly want to create.

Go to the blog and read more about how your decision to trim away the options of failure, stuckness, and stagnation can give you the freedom you are ready to experience!


And SUBSCRIBE while you're there!

#womensconfidencecoach #jandeelstra
#decide #empoweringwomen #womensempowerment
  • I've been enjoying Women's History Month over on my website. Posting about the women on whose shoulders we stand has been educational and inspirational. This is the final week of blog posts to spotlight these extraordinary women. The pool of inspiration runs deep, and Women's History could fill years—not just a few weeks. Choosing which woman to highlight was random. There are simply too many trailblazing women to choose from. Today, the spotlight is on Madame Curie. If you're interested in reading the brief stories, visit the blog:


And while you're there, scroll to the page bottom and SUBSCRIBE. There's a LOT that happens on that blog space that isn't available elsewhere.

Peruse the site, and check out other blog posts, the BOOKSHOP, and the TOOLBOX for tons of confidence enhancing content—much of it free.

#confidence #confidencecoach #MarieCurie #MadameCurie #jandeelstra #womensconfidencecoach #empoweringwomen
  • For some reason my blog failed to post today as scheduled. If you missed it, go to https://jandeelstra.com/7-easy-rituals-to-shift-your-life-from-blah-to-aha/

Yeah it's a pain to copy and paste, but you just might discover that it's worth it.

And hey, while you're there, scroll clear down to the bottom and SUBSCRIBE because a LOT happens on that blog page that doesn't happen anywhere else.

#empoweringwomen #womensempowerment
#https://jandeelstra,com #7easyritualstoshiftyourlifefromblahtoaha
  • The Graceful Confidence Playbook is for you if you look great on the outside, but inside self doubt stops you from really celebrating life as the confident woman you're meant to be.

Your smile hides that feeling of, "is that all there is?"

You're doing okay. 
You're established. You've had some challenges, but you're strong; you'll get by....

But what if simply "getting by" is no longer enough for you? 

Start here: 


  • This is an ethical bribe to get you to my new-ish website—but it's also a value-packed, confidence-boosting eBook.

Graceful Confidence Playbook: Daily Rituals for Success & Self-Love gives you 7 days of confidence-layering practices to shift from “not enough” to more than enough.

It won’t be free forever. So take action—and take a bribe. 😊

👉 Get it here: https://jandeelstra.com/graceful-confidence-playbook/

#gracefulconfidenceplaybook #dailyrituals #jandeelstra #confidence #selflove
  • Who are you when you're unstoppable? What if those inner feelings of not being good enough, were transformed into pure confidence and self love? Who are you when you learn to unapologetically love yourself?

Hot off the press, the Graceful Confidence Playbook: Daily Rituals for Success & Self Love.

I know, it's a pain to copy & paste and go get this for free...but it's totally worth it if you're looking for an inner sense of self-worth.

And could there be a better time to start layering confidence into your daily routine? I think not.

Go get it.


#GracefulConfidencePlaybook #confidence #selfesteem #selfworth
#selflove #dailyrituals #success #confidenceplaybook #selfcare #confidencecode #equinox#womensempowerment
#dailyrituals#dailyritua lsforconfidence

  • Spring Equinox: A Time of Balance & Renewal. I admit to having a favorite! (Season, that is!) Spring Equinox—it's a powerful moment of equal light and darkness when day and night stand in perfect balance. From this point forward, light triumphs, and the earth awakens with abundance, growth, and possibility. And isn't that just like us?! 
This sacred time calls for renewal, inviting you to shed the heaviness of winter and step into your power, purpose, and prosperity. Just as nature blossoms, so too can your confidence, self-worth, and manifestations. It's no wonder I love the energy of Spring!
Be sure to check out the blog post today at https://JanDeelstra.com/blog and SUBSCRIBE while you're there!
#equinox #spring #springequinox #jandeelstra #happyequinox #womensempowerment #cultivatingworthiness
Women's History Month is coming to an end; if you're not a SUBSCRIBER to the BLOG, you're missing a LOT of value. If you subscribe today, you won't miss the final few posts, each of which spotlight an inspirational woman. PLUS, you'll still be able to catch those spotlighted—the women on whose shoulders we stand. Copy. Paste.: https://JanDeelstra.com/BLOG Music by Ievgen Poltavskyi from Pixabay #womenshistorymonth #womensupportingwomen #marchiswomenshistorymonth #womensrights #jandeelstra #jandeelstrawomensconfidencecoach #wingedwomen #wingedwomenacademy
19 hours ago
View on Instagram |
Are you a woman who appears successful on the outside, but on the inside you feel like something is missing?
Get 7 Ways to Move from Emptiness to Fulfillment (FREE EBOOK)
Copy and paste the link below and go get your copy now before I take it down!


#womensconfidencecoach #jandeelstra
Are you a woman who appears successful on the outside, but on the inside you feel like something is missing? Get 7 Ways to Move from Emptiness to Fulfillment (FREE EBOOK) Copy and paste the link below and go get your copy now before I take it down! https://jandeelstra.com/7-ways-to-move-from-emptiness-to-fulfillment/ #womensconfidencecoach #jandeelstra #empoweringwomen #womensempowerment #movefromemptinesstofulfillment
4 days ago
View on Instagram |
Most people spend more time planning a vacation than they invest in actually planning the life they want to live.

DECIDE to create the life you desire and deserve. 

The word "decide" means to cut away. Cut away the anchors that stop you from living the life you truly want to create.

Go to the blog and read more about how your decision to trim away the options of failure, stuckness, and stagnation can give you the freedom you are ready to experience!


And SUBSCRIBE while you're there!

#womensconfidencecoach #jandeelstra
#decide #empoweringwomen #womensempowerment
Most people spend more time planning a vacation than they invest in actually planning the life they want to live. DECIDE to create the life you desire and deserve. The word "decide" means to cut away. Cut away the anchors that stop you from living the life you truly want to create. Go to the blog and read more about how your decision to trim away the options of failure, stuckness, and stagnation can give you the freedom you are ready to experience! https://jandeelstra.com/blog And SUBSCRIBE while you're there! #womensconfidencecoach #jandeelstra #decide #empoweringwomen #womensempowerment
4 days ago
View on Instagram |
I've been enjoying Women's History Month over on my website. Posting about the women on whose shoulders we stand has been educational and inspirational. This is the final week of blog posts to spotlight these extraordinary women. The pool of inspiration runs deep, and Women's History could fill years—not just a few weeks. Choosing which woman to highlight was random. There are simply too many trailblazing women to choose from. Today, the spotlight is on Madame Curie. If you're interested in reading the brief stories, visit the blog:


And while you're there, scroll to the page bottom and SUBSCRIBE. There's a LOT that happens on that blog space that isn't available elsewhere.

Peruse the site, and check out other blog posts, the BOOKSHOP, and the TOOLBOX for tons of confidence enhancing content—much of it free.

#confidence #confidencecoach #MarieCurie #MadameCurie #jandeelstra #womensconfidencecoach #empoweringwomen
I've been enjoying Women's History Month over on my website. Posting about the women on whose shoulders we stand has been educational and inspirational. This is the final week of blog posts to spotlight these extraordinary women. The pool of inspiration runs deep, and Women's History could fill years—not just a few weeks. Choosing which woman to highlight was random. There are simply too many trailblazing women to choose from. Today, the spotlight is on Madame Curie. If you're interested in reading the brief stories, visit the blog: https://jandeelstra.com/womens-history-month-spotlight-on-marie-curie/ And while you're there, scroll to the page bottom and SUBSCRIBE. There's a LOT that happens on that blog space that isn't available elsewhere. Peruse the site, and check out other blog posts, the BOOKSHOP, and the TOOLBOX for tons of confidence enhancing content—much of it free. #confidence #confidencecoach #MarieCurie #MadameCurie #jandeelstra #womensconfidencecoach #empoweringwomen
5 days ago
View on Instagram |
For some reason my blog failed to post today as scheduled. If you missed it, go to https://jandeelstra.com/7-easy-rituals-to-shift-your-life-from-blah-to-aha/

Yeah it's a pain to copy and paste, but you just might discover that it's worth it.

And hey, while you're there, scroll clear down to the bottom and SUBSCRIBE because a LOT happens on that blog page that doesn't happen anywhere else.

#empoweringwomen #womensempowerment
#https://jandeelstra,com #7easyritualstoshiftyourlifefromblahtoaha
For some reason my blog failed to post today as scheduled. If you missed it, go to https://jandeelstra.com/7-easy-rituals-to-shift-your-life-from-blah-to-aha/ Yeah it's a pain to copy and paste, but you just might discover that it's worth it. And hey, while you're there, scroll clear down to the bottom and SUBSCRIBE because a LOT happens on that blog page that doesn't happen anywhere else. #empoweringwomen #womensempowerment #jandeelstra #https://jandeelstra,com #7easyritualstoshiftyourlifefromblahtoaha
6 days ago
View on Instagram |
The Graceful Confidence Playbook is for you if you look great on the outside, but inside self doubt stops you from really celebrating life as the confident woman you're meant to be.

Your smile hides that feeling of, "is that all there is?"

You're doing okay. 
You're established. You've had some challenges, but you're strong; you'll get by....

But what if simply "getting by" is no longer enough for you? 

Start here: 


The Graceful Confidence Playbook is for you if you look great on the outside, but inside self doubt stops you from really celebrating life as the confident woman you're meant to be. Your smile hides that feeling of, "is that all there is?" You're doing okay. You're established. You've had some challenges, but you're strong; you'll get by…. But what if simply "getting by" is no longer enough for you? Start here: https://jandeelstra.com/graceful-confidence-playbook/ #gracefulconfidence
1 week ago
View on Instagram |
This is an ethical bribe to get you to my new-ish website—but it's also a value-packed, confidence-boosting eBook.

Graceful Confidence Playbook: Daily Rituals for Success & Self-Love gives you 7 days of confidence-layering practices to shift from “not enough” to more than enough.

It won’t be free forever. So take action—and take a bribe. 😊

👉 Get it here: https://jandeelstra.com/graceful-confidence-playbook/

#gracefulconfidenceplaybook #dailyrituals #jandeelstra #confidence #selflove
This is an ethical bribe to get you to my new-ish website—but it's also a value-packed, confidence-boosting eBook. Graceful Confidence Playbook: Daily Rituals for Success & Self-Love gives you 7 days of confidence-layering practices to shift from “not enough” to more than enough. It won’t be free forever. So take action—and take a bribe. 😊 👉 Get it here: https://jandeelstra.com/graceful-confidence-playbook/ #gracefulconfidenceplaybook #dailyrituals #jandeelstra #confidence #selflove
1 week ago
View on Instagram |
Who are you when you're unstoppable? What if those inner feelings of not being good enough, were transformed into pure confidence and self love? Who are you when you learn to unapologetically love yourself?

Hot off the press, the Graceful Confidence Playbook: Daily Rituals for Success & Self Love.

I know, it's a pain to copy & paste and go get this for free...but it's totally worth it if you're looking for an inner sense of self-worth.

And could there be a better time to start layering confidence into your daily routine? I think not.

Go get it.


#GracefulConfidencePlaybook #confidence #selfesteem #selfworth
#selflove #dailyrituals #success #confidenceplaybook #selfcare #confidencecode #equinox#womensempowerment
#dailyrituals#dailyritua lsforconfidence

Who are you when you're unstoppable? What if those inner feelings of not being good enough, were transformed into pure confidence and self love? Who are you when you learn to unapologetically love yourself? Hot off the press, the Graceful Confidence Playbook: Daily Rituals for Success & Self Love. I know, it's a pain to copy & paste and go get this for free…but it's totally worth it if you're looking for an inner sense of self-worth. And could there be a better time to start layering confidence into your daily routine? I think not. Go get it. https://jandeelstra.com/graceful-confidence-playbook/ #GracefulConfidencePlaybook #confidence #selfesteem #selfworth #selflove #dailyrituals #success #confidenceplaybook #selfcare #confidencecode #equinox#womensempowerment #dailyrituals#dailyritua lsforconfidence https://jandeelstra.com/graceful-confidence-playbook/
1 week ago
View on Instagram |
Spring Equinox: A Time of Balance & Renewal. I admit to having a favorite! (Season, that is!) Spring Equinox—it's a powerful moment of equal light and darkness when day and night stand in perfect balance. From this point forward, light triumphs, and the earth awakens with abundance, growth, and possibility. And isn't that just like us?! 
This sacred time calls for renewal, inviting you to shed the heaviness of winter and step into your power, purpose, and prosperity. Just as nature blossoms, so too can your confidence, self-worth, and manifestations. It's no wonder I love the energy of Spring!
Be sure to check out the blog post today at https://JanDeelstra.com/blog and SUBSCRIBE while you're there!
#equinox #spring #springequinox #jandeelstra #happyequinox #womensempowerment #cultivatingworthiness
Spring Equinox: A Time of Balance & Renewal. I admit to having a favorite! (Season, that is!) Spring Equinox—it's a powerful moment of equal light and darkness when day and night stand in perfect balance. From this point forward, light triumphs, and the earth awakens with abundance, growth, and possibility. And isn't that just like us?! This sacred time calls for renewal, inviting you to shed the heaviness of winter and step into your power, purpose, and prosperity. Just as nature blossoms, so too can your confidence, self-worth, and manifestations. It's no wonder I love the energy of Spring! Be sure to check out the blog post today at https://JanDeelstra.com/blog and SUBSCRIBE while you're there! #equinox #spring #springequinox #jandeelstra #happyequinox #womensempowerment #cultivatingworthiness
1 week ago
View on Instagram |