Unleash your inner goddess power and transform your story into a masterpiece of confidence, self love, abundance and limitless possibilities—because YOU 're the author of your extraordinary life
Chasing Rabbits…and I AM!
Since the first of the year–a most common time for all good intentions to be set, I’ve been trying out something called “blocking” as part of an efficiency concept. The nutshell premise is that if I block off periods of time in my schedule (time set aside for performing specific duties), and I focus solely on the scheduled duties, I will use my time most efficiently, thus, accomplishing more than if I had gone about my business without that structure.
Sounds good right? Sounds like a solid plan?
Over the past few weeks I’ve noticed a behavior that I’m now wondering if it’s been a part of my personality for decades, or if it’s a new sign of creative avoidance (more about that clever behavior in another post for another day…), or if I’ve just really lost control due to overwhelm–I have a LOT on my proverbial plate (don’t we all?!). At any rate, this fresh awareness of how some days, I accomplish mountains of productivity, and on other days…well, “blocking” be damned, I accomplish not so much….
Each night before I end my day, I create a schedule for the next. I have a gorgeous planner in which I block off certain sections, for example, as periods for nothing but writing. The next block of time is marked off for editting content, and yet another section is reserved for creativity, and another for lunch, or laundry, and such. In theory, the system of designating time frames works. And for a long time, it has worked brilliantly…
Now however, there is a lot of chatter that I have been actively trying to avoid. I don’t want to hear about the turmoil if I can’t change it. I’m an activist, no question about it. And, I have “the wisdom to know the difference.” I know that some things are best categorized uder the block of “watch and wait” even as the world is being torched. But that torching is a topic for another day, another blog post, which has little to do with chasing rabbits. Or maybe there is some segue I could find, but I just don’t have that particular duty scheduled in my day planner as a block deserving of my attention. Not today.
The late Mary Kay Ash, of Mary Kay Cosmetics fame and fortune, quipped often that “if you chase too many rabbits, you won’t catch any.” Chasing rabbits is something that has been happening lately. I find myself pulling into myself to find the reason for the thoughts that I must consciously reel in to dissect with my logical mind. I spend blocks looking at the feelings that haven’t quite yet landed as dust, rather than attending to the pre-scheduled tasks. I am, in fact, chasing rabbits, in spite of my good intentions to plan out as much of my life as possible. Even though I am well aware that when I chase too many rabbits, I’m not likely to accomplish much at all, this week, I am, chasing far too many in my mind….
How about you? How’s your productivity this year? Are you on track to accomplish whatever goal or goals you’ve set your sights on? Have you any experiences to share about time blocking? Are you too chasing rabbits? Let me know. And if you want to know more about Chasing Rabbits, you can get a copy on Amazon thru the link below.
(Clicking the Buy Chasing Rabbits button will take you out of this site and into Amazon)
Excerpt from Chasing Rabbits & I Am…the Art of Attainment:
“The pioneer of all entrepreneurs, the late Mary Kay Ash, legendary founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, offered the success tip, “If you chase too many rabbits, you’ll never catch any.” The adage answers the question of why so many folks never attain desired goals, or more importantly, successfully get to live their true callings. Most of us are too busy chasing, but seldom catching numerous metaphorical rabbits to ever consciously place a foot on the pre-determined path of limitless potential. And the rabbit’s foot dangling from your key chain is not the answer…”
Get it FREE. It's pretty easy to copy the link and paste it into your browser:
7 Ways to Move from Emptiness to Fulfillment and Create the Life You Desire and Deserve
#createthelifeyoulove #createthelifeyoudesireanddeserve #createtthelifeyouwanttolive #womensempowerment #free
Get this 30-Day Financial Tracker and uplevel your money story. It's free on my blog post, so go today before I take it down. Just copy and paste the url into your browser to get to my site. And while you're there, scroll to the page bottom and subscribe for free content delivered to your inbox.
#womenandmoney #30daymoneytracker #jandeelstra #INFINITEPIE #empoweringwomen
During the current zeitgeist of chaos and inhumanity, it's easy to doom scroll and hide beneath the covers; harder to get out of bed each day and focus on the things you can control, on the things that feed your soul, instead of all that threatens your wellness and peace of mind.
I'm not saying don't be informed. Frankly, I can think of little else that's less palatable than an ignorant, uniformed person, or worse, a person who is informed, yet does nothing to create change in her world.
Sometimes though, it's critical to bring in the focus to what you love in order to balance out the energies of what you loathe.
This is a reminder to do more of what you love, to remember to breathe and to mindfully tend to your needs. We need you strong, and that means taking care of yourself, and doing more of what you love.
Come and play on the playground: https://JanDeelstra.com
#selfcare #selflove #jandeelstra #empoweredwomen #domoreofwhatyoulove
Does THIS resonate? On the outside, you’re confident. Accomplished. You should feel fulfilled. But deep down, there's that whisper… that quiet ache of not enough.
Why? Because if your self-worth is tied to external validation—applause, approval, or how others perceive you—you’re outsourcing your confidence to people who were never meant to hold it. That’s why so many successful women still feel unseen, unimportant, or unworthy.
Here’s the truth:
Self-worth is an inside job—it’s knowing you’re enough without permission.
Self-esteem? That’s borrowed. It depends on praise… and disappears when approval fades.
And here’s a surprising twist…
👉 The women who most align with society’s beauty standards often have the lowest self-worth. Why? Because Western culture has weaponized beauty—selling unattainable ideals to keep women chasing (and paying for) “perfection.”
But true beauty? It’s not in airbrushed ads. It’s in your kindness. Your power. Your presence. It’s knowing your worth—without needing permission. That’s confidence.
So here’s your reminder:
You don’t need applause to be enough. You don’t need a mirror’s approval to shine. You were never meant to fit into a mold that was designed to keep you small. You were born to rise.
Read more about it on yesterday's blog post: https://jandeelstra.com/blog/
(Just copy and paste into your browser.)
#SelfWorthJourney #WomenEmpowerment #KnowYourValue #YouAreEnough #ConfidenceCoach #AuthenticLiving
Ever feel like you’re not good enough? Like you’re constantly putting others first, afraid to speak up, or dismissing your own worth? You’re NOT alone. But here’s the truth: YOU are worthy, powerful, and more than enough. 💖
7 Signs You Might Be Undervaluing Yourself: 🚨
✅ You struggle to say NO—even when you’re overwhelmed.
✅ You stay in relationships where your needs aren’t met.
✅ You downplay compliments, believing success is “just luck.”
✅ You push your own self-care to the side.
✅ You need outside validation to feel good about yourself.
✅ You avoid taking risks out of fear of failure.
✅ You hesitate to share your thoughts, believing they don’t matter.
SOUND FAMILIAR? You don’t have to stay stuck. It’s time to BREAK FREE.
This isn’t just another self-help course. It’s a powerful, transformational 6-lesson workbook + journal designed to help you:
✅ Own Your Worth & silence self-doubt 🚀
✅ Speak Up & Set Boundaries without guilt 🗣️
✅ Define Your Standards in love & relationships 💕
✅ Stand Strong in your truth & reclaim your power 💫
This is YOUR time to rise. To become the woman who walks into every room like she belongs there. 💃
Print it. Write in it. Make it YOURS.
Ready to step into your confidence? Click the link in bio now & grab your copy of UNSTOPPABLE CONFIDENCE before the price goes up!
Tag a friend who needs this & comment “I’M READY” if you’re claiming your power today!
Grab it NOW: https://jandeelstra.com/unstoppable-confidence-a-journey-to-self-worth-empowerment/
#ConfidenceIsKey #UnstoppableConfidence #WorthyAF #SelfLoveJourney #WomenEmpowerment #KnowYourWorth #OwnYourPower #SelfGrowth #EmpoweredWomenEmpowerWomen #ManifestYourDreams #MindsetShift
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Don't give it.
#womensupportingwomen #womenempowermentquotes #JanDeelstra #womensempowerment
#empoweredwomen #empoweredwomenempowerwomen
Did you catch the blog post, The Feminine Frequency of Abundance? It's the post that you DO want to check out:
Just copy and paste the link, or go to JanDeelstra.com/BLOG for more! Of course, the website is on my bio link.
#infinitepie #womenandmoney #femininefrequencyofmoney #abundance #JanDeelstra
Do YOU have shame around issues of money? If so, go over to my website and read the post from a few days ago. If failed to load, so I'm posting this IG post to encourage anyone who may have missed it,to check it out. Copy and paste the link or simply type into your browser:
Historically, women especially, have experienced a unique set of money challenges. Does this resonate? Check out the post, and while you're there, SUBSCRIBE.
#womensempowerment #confidence #womenandmoney #money #moneyshame #feminineenergy #jandeelstra #healingmoneywounds #moneyisselflove #moneeyisfreedom
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